Thursday, December 30, 2010

My baby turned 12 today.

I can't believe you are twelve today.  Where has the time gone.  I would post some wonderful pictures of you, but I am lazy and I am sitting on the couch with my shiny new laptop and the pictures are on the desk top.  

You are.........






First born.



And then a LOT more.

We had a very relaxed and laid back Birthday.  B had an eye doctor appointment this morning.  All is still good.  No glasses, check back in a year.

We went bowling, where I kicked your butt.  169 & 148.  I think you bowled a 68 that last game.  We ate cheese curds, onion rings, mushrooms and french fries.  What a waste of my hour on the treadmill this morning.  But you are worth it. 

The rest of Christmas break has been wonderful as well.   I have read two books and we completed two puzzles, both of which were missing pieces.  Mmmmm I wonder who could have been responsible for that.  Could it be one of those critters that took all the ornaments off the Christmas tree.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I wish there were still 32 shopping days until Christmas

Not because I have shopping to do, I am just about finished.  I have just have a ton of stuff to do.  We are having several out of town guests, although we are not sure just when.

Here is a recap of the last few weeks, because that is all I can manage.


Tree is decorated.

Bottom two feet is missing all the ornaments.

Next few feet have ornaments with teeth marks.

Van has new tires.

Basement has a new refrigerator.

Weather has gotten cold.

Exercise has gotten painful.

Pounds are coming off.

Photos are taken.

Cards were made and mailed.

Baking isn't started.

Basement is looking better.

Kids are busy.

Girl is surprisingly better than mediocre at basketball.

The presents are purchased and hidden.

TV is calling my name to watch Glee!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Geez, only 32 shoppping days to go.

I would like to say that I am ready for Christmas, but that would be a big fat lie.  I have bought one present, just one.  I have thought about quite a few things I would like to buy.  Especially for myself.  All those sales, on all those ridiculous things that I want but truly do not need.   I am a technology/electronic gadget junky and my latest heart's desire in the new macbook air.  Really want one, really, rea;;y do not need one.  We have two laptops and an iMac.  Really do not need one.  If I keep saying that, maybe I will believe it.

The buy's list consisted of a variety of Nerf guns and accessories. G wants an easy bake oven, like she asked for and didn't get last year.   She would also like a pair of Ugg boots. They will be knock offs, I am not paying $90 for a pair of kid's boots.

Gabby and I did finish the Christmas cards today.  We decided to forgo the glitter on the last 15.  I ordered the pictures today, even though I didn't really like any of them.  There were a couple of the kids and th puppies that were cute, but EB insisted that we use a picture with all of us.  There wasn't a good one of all us with the puppies, so I think I will just let them chew the corner off of all of them as their signature.  They are good a chewing.  In fact they have just about finished off the legs of the coffee table. 

G and I listened to this while we were cutting and gluing.

I have this one and couple more like it, from when we were kids.  Remarkably this one is not scratched at all.  I also have a Jim Neighbors one I love.  I am so thankful EB bought me a record player earlier this year.  I use it all the time.

BTW, Best Buy upgraded us to a Silver Premier reward zone membership, which allows us to get Black Friday sales tomorrow.  The macbook air comes with a $125 Best Buy giftcard, which I could use to buy B the camera he wants for his birthday.  Of course, we could refer back to paragraph one where I stated that I really did not need that macbook air. 

I do not need a macbook air.  I do not need a macbook air.  I do not need a macbook air.  

If I can get through tomorrow without ordering one, I can probably lose the extra 15 pounds I have gained over the last two years. 

I do not need a macbook air.  I do not need a macbook air.  I do not need a macbook air.  I do not need a macbook air....................

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Say it isn't so

Today, I finally broke the news to B about the Tooth Fairy.

He didn't believe me.

I had to tell him several times.

He kept saying no.

There were tears.

Then the inevitable happened......

He said, "Is the same thing true about Santa?"



We came to an agreement about telling G & Z.  If he spills the beans, no Santa presents for him.

About an hour later he whispers to me that we should really tell G & Z because.......  This isn't going to last long.

I hated to do it, but I just couldn't risk him getting beat up on the bus.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hold on to your hats.......

and coats and shoes and tables and chairs and planters and deck boxes and basketball hoops.  Okay you get the idea.  It is just a teeny bit windy here today.  Here and everywhere else in the Midwest.  They are saying the white fluffy stuff could be coming as well.  Can you really complain about that considering it was 68 degrees this weekend.

The puppies are not happy. They are down right scared of the noise and the wind.  You might even need to hold them to the ground to get them to go.  Good news is the satellite has not gone out, so as soon as the kids go to bed I can watch GLEE!!!!

Our neighbor came over to let us know that we had a coyote on the porch yesterday.  Great.  I told EB we needed to get a giant spotlight for walking the dogs.  I have heard them quite often, just hadn't actually seen one.  We are going to have to start a neighborhood watch for the animals, not people.

Spent a lovely weekend with these women.

Looking at these

Of course there was eating and shopping too and then eating again.  Amy introduced us to a new beer. Wild Blue.  Very nice!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bare feet welcome!

You can once again walk bare foot in our front yard.  Of course it is going to snow next week, but still your feet won't come out full of thorns.

I spent 2 hours digging out those darn prickers and that was only about 1/2 the yard.  Wouldn't it be nice if I could use a screwdriver and a hammer to get rid of all the other prickers in my life.  I guess I could but then I would be in jail.

Guilty as charged

Accessory to a crime.

Spare a square?

You catch em you clean em.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Easy come easy go

We lost a fish, Zeplen went bye-bye.  Purchased two new fish.  The lovely sales person at Petsmart talked Z into getting two 20 cent fish instead of 1 $15 fish.  Thank you, as one of those fish was belly up in the morning.

Puppy classes at Petsmart is some sort of racket.  We rarely leave there without spending $30.  Which is, of course, why they have training classes there.  Friday is graduation.  I am not certain these darling little things are going to graduate.  They have to walk down and aisle of treats thrown on the floor and not pick them up.  Thankfully they are not putting dirty socks or underwear down or there wouldn't be any hope at all.   We were going to sign up for the intermediate class, but we found out that our trainer is leaving and we really like her, so we may take back our Friday nights for beer and pizza.

This fabulous weather we are having is really becoming a problem.  My house is filthy and the possibility of getting it cleaned is slim and none.  I am actually a little disgusted by the fact that there is quite a layer of dust right here on the glass desk I am sitting at, but it hard to remain focused when it is 84 degrees in the middle of October.

The lottery drawing is tonight and here's hoping that dollar we spent will come through for us.

Okay I really have to clean this desk.  I can't look at it anymore.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Deja' vu ~ Does it happen to you?

Yesterday was a great day.  It started early, 4:45 am to be exact, on a Sunday no less.  The wonderful EB took us to the big city for an early morning run, up one very long hill.  The course was beautiful, but the company was even better.  Then the fabulous EB came back and picked up the elated runners and took us to the drive through for some caffeinated rejuvination.

Friends departed, lunch was eaten, shirts were ironed...blah blah blah.

We headed to the park to take family pictures. It is one of our favorite parks, I have blogged about it before, the very long, steep hill to get to the waterfall.  We have even taken pictures there before, but here is where the Deja Vu comes in.....  We walked down the really steep hill, took some pictures and then decided to take the horrifically brutal scary stairs back up to the top, because EB thinks it will be shorter.  EB goes behind me so I don't totally freak out.  It takes about 15 minutes but I make it to the top, breathing really hard.   We walk about a 1/2 mile take some more pictures then head back to the car.  Only we can't find our way to the parking lot.  We run into another couple who informs us that we really can't get back to our car from where we are.  We have to go back down the stairs and back up the hill.  It is getting dark.  It is 6:30 pm and we have been there since 3:00.  We are tired, hungry and feeling a little bit distressed.  We get back to the waterfall and head to the big hill.  There are 4 deer on the hill and the boys are worried they are going to charge us.  They are crying and I am thinking I am ready to start too.  I am walking, crawling, dragging my shaking thighs up the hill when I get that creepy feeling we have been there before, right down to the conversation we were having  .  EB says this is not true, we have not done this before, but I know that in my mind we have.

BTW.  It was late, we were tired, we hit the drive through, again. I treated myself to a Big Mac.  It has been at least 10 years, since I have had one of those, maybe longer.  It was wonderful.

And 4 more sets of these stairs and you will know what I survived.  There were at least 100 steps.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pre-wash cycle

I don't know how long the door is going to last on the dishwasher. 

The dishes get pre-washed and then we sanitize for good measure.

Yesterday we went to Kohl's, in search of some casual boots, for me.  I tried on a pair that had a few more buckles than I really cared for, but they were kind of cute, brown and in my size.  I tried them on and Z says, "Mom, you are too old for those boots.  They are for somebody younger."  He continued on about how I should really get something different, but did like what I eventually bought.

Later, at church, Z reaches down to pick up his pen lets a little toot (okay maybe not a little) out.  He looks at me and whispers, "Oops I didn't see that coming."  Of course, it was during closing prayer and I thought I was going to die laughing.

I had a great run, yesterday, too.  I ran for 1 hour and 40 minutes and still felt good.  Let's hope that happens next weekend and race day!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's a good day

B had an eye appointment today and they said..........

He doesn't need to wear his glasses anymore.

I never thought that would happen, ever.

He can see 20/25 without his glasses and it has been that way for 2 years, so they think his vision is pretty stable.  We will go back every 3 months for a year to see how he is doing.  If all remains stable he won't need to go back at all!!!!!!

Patching works.

I am doing a little happy dance right now!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Where does the time go.

Two weeks into school and I am already exhausted.

Tonight was the first Parent Group meeting.  I remembered at 8:00.  It started at 6:30.

The new weekly schedule is about to send me over the edge.

Monday - Akido
Tuesday - Football
Wednesday - feeding the children something other than cereal or PBJ
Thursday - Akido
Friday - Puppy training
Saturday - Akido
Sunday - Swimming lessons

Plus, some where in there, I need to fit in 4 days of running.  Just under 3 weeks until race day and I am feeling less than prepared. I did run for an hour and 30 minutes, without keeling over on Saturday, but I certainly wasn't going to set any speed records.

We took Toffee to be neutered today and Ellie doesn't know what to do without her brother.  We went for a walk tonight and she sniffed the ground every inch of the way.  She won't settle down.  Z wanted to know if Toffee's pee pee parts were going to be the same, so he must have some general idea of what is going on.

This weekend we went to my sister's to celebrate her 10th wedding anniversary.  We had a wonderful time and played several hand crushing games of spoons.

A friend once told me, "You should really celebrate anniversaries and skip the birthdays.  Birthday's come automatically every year, but in order to have an anniversary it requires work and commitment and should be celebrated"  

I think we are going to do that next year.  We have a tendency to treat it like every other day and it is not.

Congratulations Sister!  Thanks for the fun.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sign of a very good summer.

The kids had another great summer, except for the little run away incident last weekend.  These shoes are only 4 months old, which is a little disappointing but probably pretty normal for 9 & 11 year old boys.  

That is not blood.  It is tomato.  All of my tomatoes were eaten by worms, so I let the kids whip them out into the field.  I think I was able to use about 10 out of the 60 or so that were out there.  I did pick some of the green ones and put them in a bag in the basement. We'll see.  They may ripen, but won't be near as flavorful.

The cucumbers are done and drying up.

The puppies are being trained.

I am supposed to be training, but that has been not a successful as the puppy training. 

There is more ragweed growing in the fields around me than the campaign mud being slung around the tv.

School starts tomorrow.  We dropped supplies off at the middle school.  They requested far more supplies than can possibly fit in the teeny tiny lockers they give them.  I am not sure what they are supposed to do with their coats and boots come winter time.  I have a feeling they won't be wearing boots.  B is fortunate, there are so many kids in his 6th grade class that they are short about 40 lockers.  Some kids will have to leave their stuff in bins outside the class rooms.  

It has been nice being home for a few days, but now I have to go back to work.  

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm melting

Day 5 of 90 degree temperatures with a 60+ dew point.  It was still 90 at 6:45 pm.  

Amazingly enough we had another severe thunderstorm last night.  

We had 4.25 inches of rain in an hour.  

I am so glad we live at a higher elevation.  

Z woke up from the noise last night.  He ran through the kitchen, which woke up the dogs, which startled him and he catapulted like a rocket into our bed screaming.

Needless to say it was a loooong day at work today.

The pond is green.

The flowers are brown.

Bring on fall!

Just a thought.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Too cute for words.

Pictures will have to do.

Toffee Chu (because the kids said they had to have a middle name)  Chu is really appropriate since he chews on everything except his chew toys.


Ellie May

18 total pounds of pure joy.  Okay except for the peeing on my new carpet.  Toffee is now on a leash when he is in the house.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Is it that time already?

Yes it is back to school time.

I love the line in "You've Got Mail" where Tom Hanks says to Meg Ryan, "If I knew your address I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils."

I love back to school shopping, although I thoroughly not ready for summer to be over.

Today B got his house assignment for his first year of middle school.  Yikes, I am definitely not ready for this.  In with his house assignment came the usual registration paperwork etc.  Then there was my favorite piece of information.

The Student Dress Could

  • Pants should fit at the waistline so as not to reveal under garments
  • Pant legs should not drag on the floor.
  • tops should be long enough to easily cover the mid-riff.
  • Spaghetti strap tops and many tank tops do not cover the chest and back adequately for school-wear.
  • Bra straps should not be visible.
  • Shorts and skirts should be long enough that when you drop your hands to the thigh, they should not touch skin.
  • No hats, caps, or bandannas.
Can I get an AMEN and a HALLELUJAH.  Finally someone who speaks my language!!!

The did say at orientation they will call parents and make them come get the kids from school.

I love it.  I hate being a prude, but I do not want to see your cleavage.  

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Great or just a little too weird.

Grandma and Grandpa took the kids camping from Thursday to today so EB and I went on an actual date.

We went to dinner and a movie.

We saw Inception. I haven't decided if I liked it or not.  It was entirely too violent for my taste, but if the violence is all in a dream is it really violence.  It required thinking and there was no way I could have gone to the bathroom in the middle of it even though I drank 3 glasses of water and 2 diet cokes at dinner and then had another diet coke at the movies and my eyes were yellow.  It wasn't my kind of movie, but there wasn't a single chick flick out there, so we went out on a limb.

As is always the case when the kids camp with Grandma and Grandpa there was a really bad storm that had the camper rockin, the awning ripped completely off and all the tenter soaked through to their underwear.

EB and I joined them on Saturday night.  We slept in a tent.  First time either of us had done that since high school.  The full size blow up mattress we slept on left a lot to be desired!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Could we have a little modesty please.

Saturday G and I were walking through a park and an elderly lady told her that she had such beautiful hair.  This is not the first time she has heard this.  In fact it happens almost anytime we go out anywhere.  She blushed, as always, and said a polite thank you.  I like to think she has the perfect blend of her Dad's hair color and mine.  Thankfully she got her Daddy's looks and smile.

Later, when we got in the car, she said to me, "Mom, do you think we should get a journal and I should write down every time someone tells me I have beautiful hair.  You know, people say that to me all the time."

Lord help me.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

They are doing what?

EB calls me at 2:30 today and says, "You're dad and brother are coming up to bring the pool table."

I said, "When?"

He says, "Now, they are leaving in a little bit."

Now, my parents said several months ago that they wanted us to take their pool table. We have even tried to set up a couple of times to do it, but it never worked out.

So apparently somebody had a wild hair and decided it needed to be moved today.

My brother threw out his back before they even got it up the stairs at my parents house, but they somehow managed to get it up the stairs and to the truck.  They drove the 2 1/2 hours up here only to figure out that it wouldn't fit around the end of the stairwell.

So we did this.

What's a little drywall repair.

Then we did this.

Okay I didn't.  I just stayed out of the way and prayed they didn't scratch my slate floor.

Then this happened.

But hey, what's a little more drywall repair.

Then this happened.

And all was good.

Did you know?

That a cast makes a really great brace for your pool stick.

And sticking your tongue out really improves your game.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I hate getting that call....

You know, you see the number pop up and your heart drops a little. It is camp.  Usually it is no big deal someone doesn't feel well or forgot something, but I still worry since they go swimming or are in the river boating almost every day.

Well this time it was this.

They were playing kickball at camp.  Z apparently kicked the ball really hard and B tried to catch it.
A clean break of his thumb, just above the growth plate.

Thankfully it was only his thumb and it was his left hand.  

He kept poking it with his other hand last night and I said stop before you knock it out of alignment.  He said, "It doesn't hurt, I can't feel anything."  Apparently he got really good numbing medication before they set it.

I could tell you all about what bad parents we are and left him at camp for 2 hours after it happened because he couldn't get in to the dr. until later, but why dwell on those things.

Our weather radio just went off again.   That is about the 10th time in two weeks and probably the third time today.  There was a tornado about 5 miles south of here earlier.

Even the overflow valve doesn't help when we are getting this much rain.

Hopefully tomorrow will be less eventful.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Today I had one of those blonde moments.  I can say that because I am was keep pretending I am a blonde with the help of my stylist.

Our new "used" car has one of those "no key" key fobby thingies and inside of that fobby thingy is a valet key.   It also has doors that are supposed to close with the push of the button, only sometimes they close and then when you are not paying attention, you come out of Best Buy and your doors are wide open.  Last night we took the van to the dealership as the car fixit man said it is just a computer update you need, so bring it in and we will fix it.  EB and the kids and I drove the 40 minutes to the dealership and left the valet key in the overnight box.

Fixit man called today and said, "Uh the valet key only opens the door it doesn't start the car." So EB drives 2 hours round trip, in his truck that gets 15 miles to the gallon on a good day, to take him the key fobby thingy.  What a waste of time and money.  I mean it makes perfect sense, there isn't a place to put a key so you need the fobby thingy.  Then I got to thinking and I am wondering what a valet would do with a valet key that only opened your doors.  Isn't the whole point of valet is that they drive your car to you.

That wasn't the only blonde moment I had today, but I am only sharing one.

As for the weekend......

I hung 3 loads of laundry out to dry plus our sheets.   I wanted to take a picture with all the clothes on it, but just about the time I get ready to do that, the thunder rolls and the rain comes in and it was a mad dash to get the clothes down.

We did a little of this.  This is my kind of golf course.  The homes on this course are on wheels and could be moved if needed.  I could probably afford to replace any windows the children or I break.

I don't think this one is going to recover.

I can't wait to try these.  The tomatoes were quite delicious.

Don't buy those bags of seeds that are supposed to attract butterflies, because really, who knows what is a weed and what might one day have a flower on it.  

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Seriously child, you are going to bed

Me, "Alright kids it is time to go to bed."

B, "Mom, dad said I could watch the "Decision"."  ( At this point I am not really sure what the "Decision" is, but it doesn't matter anyway as it is bed time.

Me, "It is 8:00 it is time to go to bed."

B (whining with his head hanging low), "But I want to know where Lebron decides to go."

And we wonder why sports stars have egos bigger than their salaries.  Even our children are brainwashed into thinking there is nothing more important than what this one person is going to do.  As much as I once loved Brett Favre, the hype over what he was going to do last year was obnoxious and ridiculous.

Don't get me on my soapbox about what athletes get paid to do.  My blood pressure can't take it.

On happier notes:

I swear there are 50 teeny tiny cucumbers on each of my cucumber plants.

There are about 20 golf ball sized tomatoes and 5 teeny tiny peppers in my garden.

I ran 3.5 miles, in the rain, last night.

It is a 4 day work week and a 3 paycheck month.

We have no place to go this weekend.  Ahhhhhhhh.

Monday, July 5, 2010


To do just about anything you please, whenever you please and with whom you please.

We chose to spend time sitting by the river, in 1000% humidity, for many hours.

It was very relaxing, in spite of the humidity.

The kids participated in a fishing contest.  G caught two fish and a turtle.  Just as I was about to take a picture of the 1 1/2 foot long snapping turtle, it dove back in the water.

I barely moved from under this umbrella, for the 6 hours we spent at the river.

The only thing that would have made it better, was if I had brought a good book.  

The library opened back up today in a new location with 20,000 more square feet than they had before. 

I am off to make my pick list.

The best part about this 4th of July...... 

I did not fall down and break anything.  Woo hoo.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I know I had something good

I just can't remember what it was.  

I ran up to Z's game and was thinking about something I wanted to blog about, then I watched the baseball game and then I forgot.

Now how is that for entertainment.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

9 million calories of deliciousness

This is what happens when we don't plan out our menu for the week.  We end up on Friday with either take out or whatever is not completely rotten in the fridge.

Therefore I made a new concoction, which has probably been made before but not by me.

Anyway the ingredients included:

Expired Grands biscuits

Leftover bacon and turkey sausage



I spread the biscuits in the bottom of the cake pan lined with parchment paper.  Cut up the cooked bacon and sausage into little bits.  Scrambled the eggs and then poured them on top of the biscuits, tossed on the meat and baked at 350 for about 20 minutes.  Lastly I through on the cheese and stuck it back in the oven to melt.

I am certain my arteries just shuddered, but mmmm it was good.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oxygen and Geritol please

Tonight I went running with my neighbor.

Until a couple of weeks ago, I hadn't run in 16 months.

She runs 4 times a week including 10 miles on the weekend.

I also hadn't run with anyone in over 2 years.

When we got back I thought I did pretty good.

I decided I should really see how far we ran.

2.7  frickin measley little miles.  

I consoled my old, out-of-shape self with a Schwan's Sundae Cone.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

No casualties today

No stranded or floating friends today.

Our neighbors want us to take measures to get rid of the little dudes, but I just can't do it.

They are telling me we will have 2, if not 3, times as many next year.

Last night there was one in the downspout and one in the garage.

I am considering putting an owl statue up, but I heard that scares away the birds too.

The kids have one of those Robo dogs, maybe I could set that loose in the yard.

I am off to un-friend some people on Facebook.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Did you know?

Ground squirrels can't swim. 

All the fish are accounted for.

One more window well rescue for the day.

I don't know if I can handle this.

To top it off my MIL wants to be my friend on facebook.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Knock Knock

Overheard in the kitchen.

EB to Z "Z do you have your cup on?"

Z, "Knock, Knock.  Who's at the door?" As he proceeds to knock on his cup.

Seriously this is what we do here.

In the relentless pursuit of a yard, I was watering away when I found two ground squirrels stuck in the window wells of the basement.  I was sure cute in my wellies, running clothes and big leather gloves as I wandered out to rescue them.  That is the third rescue in a couple of days.  I also found some skeletons for those who were not fortunate enough to be rescued.  I am not sure if I am just going to put a stick down there, so they can get out themselves or cover the wells with chicken wire.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Keep your tissues handy.

We saw Toy Story 3 today.

Best movie I have seen all year.

Maybe for the last two years.

Of course I have probably only been to 3 movies in the last year, but still it was fantastic.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rain rain go away, come again another day

Maybe in a month or two.

I feel like we have had our fair share.  9 hours, at an outdoor concert, in the rain, is not as much fun as it might sound.

It is helping the grass grow, but I think it is drowning the tomatoes.  They look terrible.

The water lily is blooming, but may be hard to find in the algae filled pond.  Sister gave me some kelp, but I think I am going to have to buy some fish and snails to help it out.

Glee season finale was wonderful.  I cried and have watched it 4 or possibly 5 times since.  I also downloaded the CD and the kids know every word to "To Sir with Love."  They already had all the Journey tunes down.

Went to a wonderful wedding at which my children behaved fabulously and charmed everyone they came i contact with.

B got one of his behavior bracelets taken away for saying something about I-da-ho, U-da-ho when they were working with a hoe in the garden.  We asked him if he knew what a "ho" was or a prostitute or even sex.  He said no, but that may have been a cover-up.  Someone needs to have a little talk about that before he starts riding the bus with the high school kids in fall.

BTW I could barely stop laughing, while he was telling us what happened.

Another proud parenting moment.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Labor pains

No, I am not giving birth. 

At least not to a child.

We are, however, trying to grow a happy little yard.

Last weekend we moved 15 cubic yards of dirt. That is one big dump truck full. Thank you to the lovely excavation company for dropping it in a couple of different places so we didn't have to move it as far.

EB says no matter how long I stare at it, it isn't going to grow any faster than it is.

This weekend we finished up planting that last of what we are going to plant, for this year anyway.

Needless to say, I am more than a little achy from all this hard labor.  

B got his first shot at mowing, we even let him drive the tractor by himself.  He is 11 but still barely able to hold down the seat and push the clutch at the same time.  EB was worried, but he did alright.  There is a safety feature that as soon as you don't have enough weight on the seat it shuts off.  Between that and the fact that our yard is pretty flat, I wasn't too worried.  Someone should write that down. I wasn't worried.  G thought she should be able to drive it by herself as well.  Just because you are the same size as your brother you are still only 9.  I did let her sit on my lap and drive until my leg fell off.

I made another rhubarb cake (coffee cake like thingy), this one EB gets to take to work.  I took the last one.

A lady from work brought me a chunk of rhubarb and a chunk of rhubarb root.  YEAH! I planted it along side my peonies.  

This is the last week of school and more importantly...........

The GLEE season finale :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sitting in the airport watching all the planes go by.

I need to hire a trip planner who is better at it than me.  We are at the Denver airport waiting for our connecting flight.  We have a 3.5 hour layover.  Every once in a while it would pay to not be so cheap for goodness sake. I really didn't pay any attention to how long our layover would be.  We had a 3 hour layover and the plane is already dealyed for 35 minutes. 

At least I got a comfy chair with an outlet.

EB is watching Crazy Horse on the iPAD touch he got for his bithday.  The movie is 1 hour and 53 minutes and it took 4 hours to download.  Ironic isn't it.

We were in Tucson for a conference.  Okay I was at the conference and he was lounging by the pool.   The weather was wonderful.  87 the last two days.  I did my share of sitting at the pool as well, although I was in the shade most of the time or covered up with pool towels or both.  You know, tender pasty white skin.

One night of the conference they had a BBQ with steaks the size and shape of Texas.  I ate veggies and dessert.  Lots of dessert.  After dark, they brought out this huge telescope and we were able to see the rings on Saturn.  It was incredible.  The gentleman who set it up, had the coolest laser pen that looked like it was touching the sky.  I wish the kids could have seen it.  I am still literally star struck.  I have never seen anything like it. 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cereal again

Since I destroyed the meatloaf last night, that was supposed to be for dinner tonight, we had cereal again.

I am trying to plan out my meals for the week and not buy more food than we need, therefore we had nothing.  Not that the kids complained.  They would eat cereal every night of the week.  Me too, except then I really start to feel like a terrible mother.

The 5th graders, B, had their concert tonight.  I unfortunately only got to see about 5 minutes of it.  I had signed up to help with the popcorn fundraiser before and after the concert, only it turned out to be before, DURING and after the concert.  Z was kind enough to take pictures for me since EB is out of town.  They should be interesting.  

Crazy weekend ahead of us.  We have something tomorrow night and three things on Saturday.  We are going to have to divide and conquer.  We are also supposed to have trees delivered on Saturday.  I guess that will take care of what we are doing on Sunday.

I would like to fit Church in there somewhere as the only time we have been there in the last month has been to drop off the kids at Awana.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bake at 375 for 3.5 hours


I got distracted and took the kids AWANA awards ceremony.

When we came home it was a little smelly. Not bad, but smelly.

I was trying to be efficient and cook two dinners tonight, since we won't have time tomorrow night.

Now we will be having cereal.

Thank goodness we weren't gone longer.

In case you couldn't tell, that was a meatloaf.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The nutshell

Here is the last month in a nutshell.

Trying to break up the @#$%@^ dirt so we can plant grass seed.

Watching Glee

Trying to break up more @#$%@^ dirt so we can plant grass seed and flowers.

Watching Glee

Trying to break up more @#$%@^, nasty, hard as concrete clay, so we can plant grass seed and flowers.

Watching Glee

Actually planting grass seed.

Watching Glee

Watering grass seed.

Caught up with every episode of Glee.

Watching grass seed grow, or not.

The highlight of the month was visiting with an old friend who was in town last week.

It might have made the whole month. THANKS KT.

I should have hired a lawn boy. The errand boy is sick of this job.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Other people's children

I really don't like to talk about other people's children, because Lord knows I have had to carry my daughter, with legs and arms flailing, out of the grocery store.

Sunday during church, the mother in front of us let 2 of her 3 daughters (around 5 & 7 years of age) completely misbehave. At one point the older of the two, was hitting the younger one in the head with a shoe, as well as stepping on her head. They were out of control.

There are rules when we go to church. Our children are not allowed to sit next to each other. They generally keep themselves occupied with all the bible puzzles they hand out when you come in. Occasionally we will have to tell them to be quiet or to stand up and sing, but generally they are good.

The difference is, I will carry my child out when they are misbehaving. Even to my utter embarrassment.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I don't even know if that is a real word or not, but I am using it anyway.


The yearbook is done.

I had help this year.

EB asked me if I was going to do it again next year.

Of course I am. Some day I will learn the word "NO".

Quite possibly alone.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wonderful weekend

We had a sleepover this weekend. It really should be called a "stay up way later than we need to" over. The kids went to bed at 7:00 tonight and it took them about 3 minutes to go to sleep.

Six kids and no crying. It was loud and wonderful just the same. Five boys playing Wii and one very curios girl, who just wanted to peek over the couch and listen to the grownups talk.

We can't wait to do it again and break in the fire pit next time.

We had cake, disguised as a chocolate muffin, for breakfast.

Hope you had a great birthday AC!

We also watched the "Blind Side" and now I love Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw even more than I did before.

Monday, March 22, 2010


When G and I got home from gymnastics tonight the boys were already in the shower. It was 6:30 pm.

I asked them if they had done their reading and finished their homework?

"Yeeesss mom, tonight is the season premier of Dancing with the stars."

"Ocho Cinco is on this season."

I said, "Who is Ocho Cinco?"

B says, "Mom, he is the wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals."

I said, "Oh, I don't know who that is."

"Mom, you watch football" he says.

I said, "I really only watch the Packers."

"Well his real name is Chad Ocho Cinco. He used to be Chad Johnson." he explains

"Ah a name I recognize."

Z & B are down the hall discussing something about changing names when I hear B say, "You have to pay money to change your name."

Z says, "Oh."

I hope they don't want to change their names, they are not that far out.

So now they are all in our bedroom watching Dancing with the Stars.

They are not in the living room as G still has to finish homework, read and do math facts.


They also recognized, Evan Lysacek and Neicey Nash from Clean House. They do love to watch clean house. They had no clue who the others were, for some of that I am thankful.

I wonder what it would cost me to change my name to "Mother is always right".

BTW, he changed his name because his jersey is number 85.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hi my name is....

She was slightly disappointed that her name was Tooth Fairy.
She left a pen right next to her pillow, so that the tooth fairy could write back.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

G is going to sleep well tonight

Another beautiful night for a walk. A little chillier than yesterday, but still 45 degrees.

The kids accompanied me on a walk. They were on bikes and scooters.

G made it the whole four miles.

She should sleep well tonight.

PS. EB is putting the 3rd tire in 1 year of Z's bike.

Anyone want to take bets on when it is going to blow up?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Elvis was good to me.

I keep wondering what I do with all my time, since I am not exercising regularly and I am certainly not updating my blog.

What the heck am I doing.

I can't be doing much, or I would have something to write about.

Saturday we took a road trip to IKEA to purchase a mirror I really wanted.
That didn't happen. Turns out it was entirely to big to fit in the van. So we bought two cheap office chairs for the kids to zoom about the craft room. Don't ask why we didn't get three. Then we had some swedish meatballs and came home.

Yesterday I spent nearly the entire day sitting on my front porch. It was 66 degrees and we were treated to the sight of about 13 bald eagles soaring over our house. Welcome back birdies.

A couple weeks ago we took a road trip to my parent's and went bowling.

If you look closely the bowling ball in my mom's hand it sports a young Elvis. I borrowed him and managed to bowl a 174 and a 169. Not bad for only bowling once a year.

That is all I got.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A mess that makes me happy.

I am not normally a fan of a big mess, but this one makes me happy. It was so nice to be able to start a project, go make dinner and then come back to exactly where I left off. I didn't have to clean everything up just to feed my children. I still have to organize a lot more stuff, but at least there is now a place for it.

I need to get a table for my sewing machine.

We still need to put up the baseboards/trim and the big empty space, we are currently using as a dance floor, will be filled with my parent's pool table.

The yet unfinished wall. We still might make some lighting changes, so we are not quite ready to finish. Still plenty of room for the dance floor, or maybe an air hockey table.

The bathroom you could sleep in, at least until we get a shower.

Lindsay Vonn is racing and I just can't watch.

The Swiss girl just took a major fall.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What does this say about my kids

They are addicted to the Biggest Loser.

Currently they are channel swapping with that and American Idol.

They get very emotional when they do the weigh in.

They do not like Jillian Michaels.

They think she is mean.

A truer statement does not exist.

If I were on that show, I would take her down.

Six more weeks of winter. Yee ha!

I would take just two days of 40 degree temps and then it could snow again.

Okay maybe a week. The yard is a sheet of ice.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Earplugs anyone?

B started the recorder a couple of weeks ago.

They are supposed to practice 90 minutes a week.

Someone forgot.

Today we got 90 minutes of lovely recorder music.

Three 30 minute sessions.

I would have let him skip, but his teacher makes us sign a paper that they did it and I just can not blatantly lie for my child.

We are getting very close on the basement. We are about 80% done with the sanding.

One room to go.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We made it home, just barely

G had an eye dr.'s appointment this morning in the big city. We got there a tad bit early so we we sat in the parking ramp with the car running, so environmentally conscious, watching the exhaust blow past the front window. I decided to shut the car off and save gas and the environment. Only the exhaust didn't stop coming. Why you ask? It wasn't exhaust. Yes, my car was a smokin.
So I did what every other helpless woman like me does. I called the EB. Okay I did open the hood and look under the car, but what do I know. G's appointment was going to be anywhere from 2-4 hours, so I thought that would give it time to cool down.

Appointment got over in about an hour. Really. They never get done early. I needed more time for the car to cool down. We headed to the ramp. Prayed to that wonderful God and started the car. We did make it home and I took G to school. EB had called the dealership and made an appointment. So a couple of hours later I took the car in. It is 1.5 miles to the dealership. When he came to tell me what was wrong with my car, he said it was a miracle I made it the 1.5 miles from my house. No, the miracle was God getting me and G back to our house safe and sound.

Diagnosis. One very cracked and busted radiator. $844. Did you know that if you have rear heat in your minivan that it costs a ton more to get your radiator fixed. Now you know.

BTW G is just fine. They had dilated her eyes at the drs office and when I went to check on her at school, she was wearing he teachers shades. Apparently the sun at recess was just to much for her.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Playing catch-up

Wow! I just realized I posted, all of, once last month and only twice the two months prior. Let's see if I can manage 3 posts this month. I had better hurry, this month is half over.

Back to working on the yearbook again. This time I have help. They do seem a bit technically challenged, both with experience and DIAL-UP! We are meeting at school tomorrow to use the high speed internet connection in the library. All three of us are pretty tall, so we should look hysterical sitting at the little computer desks. I tried to get a bunch of mine done tonight that way I can help the TC ladies tomorrow. I was talking to one of the 5th grade teachers today, while we waited for the dawdlers to come back from the bathroom, and she proceeded to go on and on about how wonderful B is. For the most part, I know that, but it sure does make a momma proud to know all of the 5th grade teachers think he is just wonderful and so respectful.

I don't know why I don't hear that about Z.

Still working on the basement. Down to sanding the drywall mud and painting. Of course, we should probably put a door on the bathroom, but why bother. Seriously, I can shut both the door to my bedroom and the bathroom door and they still come in.

I have been back on the treadmill and enjoying all sorts of one word titled movies over that past week. I am sure that is horrible grammar, but who cares. I never manage to see the whole movie. I could watch High School Musical 3 every hour on the hour, but I can't find any of these movies again so I can see the other half. I would like to DVR them. Of course I can't remember the names, but I know that if I saw them again I would recognize them. Three of the movies were on the Sundance channel, two with subtitles. That is a bit tricky when you are on the treadmill.

Lastly, G has told me three times, in the past week, that I am embarrassing her. As I was getting ready to take them to school this morning she says to me, "Mom are you going to do something with your hair before you come take pictures at school? That is kind of embarrassing, you know."

YES! I am an embarrassment to my children.