Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hold on to your hats.......

and coats and shoes and tables and chairs and planters and deck boxes and basketball hoops.  Okay you get the idea.  It is just a teeny bit windy here today.  Here and everywhere else in the Midwest.  They are saying the white fluffy stuff could be coming as well.  Can you really complain about that considering it was 68 degrees this weekend.

The puppies are not happy. They are down right scared of the noise and the wind.  You might even need to hold them to the ground to get them to go.  Good news is the satellite has not gone out, so as soon as the kids go to bed I can watch GLEE!!!!

Our neighbor came over to let us know that we had a coyote on the porch yesterday.  Great.  I told EB we needed to get a giant spotlight for walking the dogs.  I have heard them quite often, just hadn't actually seen one.  We are going to have to start a neighborhood watch for the animals, not people.

Spent a lovely weekend with these women.

Looking at these

Of course there was eating and shopping too and then eating again.  Amy introduced us to a new beer. Wild Blue.  Very nice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That flower at the bottom is SO COOL! glad you had a wonderful weekend. The coyote story? Scary.