Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Total spazola!

Tonight while B had baseball practice and G was hanging out at the playground, I thought I would get in some walking. You know trying to not waste any of my precious time.  

I walked the perimeter of the two ball fields about 11 times, when I decided that I really wanted to listen to a particular song on my Zune.  So I stopped, flipped the case open and started scrolling through my music.  When it started, it wasn't the song I wanted to as I was walking I started scrolling again, and then all of a sudden I am laying face down on the asphalt.  

There were many people watching the baseball teams practice, but apparently no  one saw me, since no one bothered to help me up or even see if I was alright.  I was, of course, except for my pride and maybe my wrist.  I did manage to hold on to my Zune.  

That being said......what in the world would make me think that I can wear these, most adorable,  shoes ever. 

I think they will go fabulously with both, my new lime green suit and my new brown suit. Don't you?  

But there is this little thing. It's called a FOUR INCH heel.   That is completely ridiculous.  I am 5'10" so let's see, you do the math.  Yes, I will be a giganormous 6'2"! 

The whole time I am trying on these shoes, I am thinking, "Dr. Laurie would not approve".  

But they are so cute, aren't they.  

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