Wednesday, May 28, 2008

So much to do.

We are still pretending here, now it is Friday.  

EB and I took the day off to get started on the "Get the house ready to put it up for sale." thing. We have been doing this for the past couple of months, but we have major work to do this weekend.  

We started by stripping wallpaper off the paneling in our bedroom.  First we live in a really old house, we have been here for 12 years and there was wallpaper in every room in our house. Sometimes several layers of wallpaper.  I have been asking EB to strip the wallpaper off of our walls for 12 years. He never wanted to do it, said it looked just fine.  Last year I took a week off of work and did both of the kids rooms, stripped and painted.  Took me a week, yes it did.  It came off 3 of the walls pretty easily, but the 4th wall it took nearly as long to do that wall as it did the other three. We did manage to get one coat of primer on the walls as well.  We worked for about 10 hours doing just that.  Luckily we are still married.  

Let's just state the obvious.  Men and women are different!

Moving on to Saturday and the true reason for this post.  

Our friends D & P came over to help us get some more work done.  D & I worked on painting. The boys worked on replacing the carpet on the porch and the children all played nicely together.   

As I was upstairs working on painting the bedroom, D was downstairs painting the front door. Let's just say our bedroom is really small. We have a king size Tempurpedic bed, that can not be moved very far. Therefore, I was sitting very awkwardly in about a 1.5 foot strip of space between the foot of the bed and the wall when I decided that the carpet needed to be the same color as the walls.  I like to be color cooridinated.

I used language that I am not very proud of.  I am sure the neighbors a mile away said a couple of Hail Mary's for my soul.

It was one of those things, that you can see happening, but just can't stop it.  So D & P and EB all came running up the stairs and tried to help, but it was too late.  I had just opened the paint can and started painting, I lost about a 1/3 of the can.  Sad thing was,  I was mad because now I wasn't going to have enough paint to finish the walls.  

It was one of those, "God works in mysterious ways, things".  You see earlier in the day, I had gone to the mail and found out that we were being economically stimulated, which I was positive was not going to happen.  

EB said I did it subconsciously, because I have been saying all along that we needed to replace the carpet before we put the house up for sale.  

Sunday we went to Lowe's to pick out new carpet. We went to Home Goods and Joann's where I got a couple of great deals.  I picked up 3 nice size, outdoor, ceramics pots at Joann's for $36. They are beautiful and look fabulous on the front steps.  Curb appeal, baby.  I also got a nice size mirror at Home Goods for $39, what a steal. I forgot the most important thing, we went out to breakfast. Can I just say I love Bob Evans.  I had stuffed blueberry pancakes mmmmmmmm good.  

We finished up the bedroom, looks great.  EB says we should have done that a long time ago.  

Monday we spent the entire day from 8:15 am to 9:30 pm working outside.  Mowing, edging, replacing railroad ties, planting flowers, replacing grass and much more.  Looks fabulous.  Only a couple of more things to do and we will be up for sale.  

I don't believe I have ever been so physically tired.

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