Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thinnnn Minnnnnnnts

MMMMM.  They are here.  EB kindly picked them up after he took Z. to the doctor today.  When I got home, there was already a sleeve gone. I mean gone.  He tried to blame it on the kids, but let's face we know who ate those cookies.  
Can I just confess that I bought 15 boxes of girl scout cookies.  I know, that is just wrong.  I just really like to support the girls scouts.  Yeah, that's it, I just really like to support the girl scouts.  I'd like to say that I am going to put them in the freezer and I will still be eating them in a few months, but we all know that is a lie.  A big fat lie.  Even in my sinus infected state, I can still enjoy a thin mint. I bought a few Thanks a Lots as well.  So much for all the sickness weight I lost.  I shall recover that quickly.  Like starting in about 5 minutes.
Illness update
So my lovely friend HB stayed home with Z yesterday and then around 11:00 school called and said that G was also not feeling well and could she come and get her.  So H went and picked up her and they all had a lovely day.  I think G was just jealous of Z getting to stay home with H, and that mysterious stomach problem showed up and she got to go home.  So they both were fine, but Z keeps running a fever, but I said that is it they were both going to school today, but as you can see from the post above Z did not go to school.  But they are both really going to school tomorrow.  Absolutely, no matter what, with a big dose of motrin.  The pediatrician actually did say he was fine to go to school, even if he had a fever today.  
I am feeling better too. Now I just have a sinus infection, which stinks but I can deal with it.  I bought some extra soft tissues and used almost the entire box.  I also bought some blistex, I thought I would try it on my nose. "I know it is medicated."  Well I thought I would try it anyway as it hurts so bad.  After the blistex it hurt sooooooooo bad, that my eyes would not stop watering.  I wiped it off but that didn't seem to help.  Back to the vaseline.  

Yesterday I did manage to work a whole day of work yesterday, but fell asleep on the couch at 5.  I did manage to make the kids a frozen pizza and then fell back asleep.  I am ready to go to bed now, but I am desperately trying to fix our other computer and the recovery disk is still running.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Will it ever end

Well, I went to work yesterday and lasted until about noon.  Then I came home and went to bed, completely exhausted.  Yesterday Z was running a fever so EB stayed home him and then when I got home he picked up the other two and took them to the dentist.

Today, I stayed home with Z, because I really needed more rest and he is still running a fever.  Now what to do with tomorrow, neither of us feel like we can miss another day of work.  I am going to call a SAHM friend of mine and see if she will keep the sicky, keep your fingers crossed. They have this thing at work called Kids Care at home, but I never signed up for it because it is $20+ an hour and at that point, I might as well stay home.  

Today I actually did something productive, I created a photo album on ilife of our trip to Florida.  I am going to print it and see how it turns out, right now they are 20% off.  There are not as many layout options as there are with Shutterfly, but I couldn't get the mac version of the uploader to work.  This is going to be an issue I can tell with having a mac.  I do love it, but things I took for granted aren't really working.  Once I get the other computer fixed, I will be able to use that one for uploading things and the apple for the rest.  

Okay I am pooped and need to go to bed. I still need to blog about the race, but it is going to have to wait a few more days.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Tomorrow I will post more about vacation and the race

I will leave you with this.  These were just one of the fabulous shirts I saw on people at the race.

This race was just something that was so awesome to be a part of.

Rigormortis has set in.

Yes, that is how I feel.  I mean I have felt like death all week or maybe death would have felt better than I felt all week.  

We got back from our fabulous vacation, of which I share much more later, on Monday and it all went down hill from there.  EB took my car to get the oil changed and when he was dropped off by the courtesy van an hour later I knew we were in trouble.  Monday night he had a dinner for work to go to and I wasn't feeling the best, but I was sure I would be fine.  Tuesday I couldn't get out of bed.  The nice little dealership brought our car back for us while I writhed in pain in bed.  The our fabulous friends F & S picked up the kids and EB took me the ER. I saw some friends there too.  It was crazy busy and 5 hours later I found out I had the FLU. The AWFUL, SUCKY, STINKY, NASTY FLU.    I don't want to hear anything about the flu shot either, because it wouldn't have mattered, wrong strain.

So I was pretty much down for the count all week.  I have now missed 2 full weeks of work, haven't done that since I had those kids.  Today was the first day I managed to eat anything besides a bowl of chicken noodle soup. I also managed to drive the 3 blocks to school to pick up those fabulous children of mine.

I have also have to thank my great friends and EB that really helped me out.  CA thanks for the casserole, I think even the kids might have been tired of PBJ, NB and HB, thanks for taking care of the school blood drive.  I just really don't think they would have let me in the building.  Pastor and HR for all their prayers ( I'll fill in later on what the extra prayers were for).  

And most importantly EB who took care of the kids and me and took me back to the dr yesterday and then stayed home with me all day.  He is the best.   

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 4

So far so good, although the weather yesterday and today left something to be desired. Definitely trying to keep the schedule flexible. Yesterday was supposed to be our second day at the Magic Kingdom, but the weather kept us at the condo and visiting with EB's mom.

We did have breakfast with Minnie, Goofy, Chip and Dale yesterday. The kids were in 7th heaven and despite the cost, it really was worth it. I will post pictures once we get back as my laptop has serious problems, lately.

Our favorites so far:

Story time with Belle (B was chosen to go up on stage and play Gaston). He was so darn cute. Afterward he said, "Mom, I was just so nervous."

Buzz Lightyear spinny thing. Gpa kicked our behinds and scored 223,000 points

The Mad Hatter tea party of course

Aladdins Magic Carpet Ride

Aerosmith's Rockin Roller Coaster

Mickey's Philharmagic

The GM Test Track

We have also gone down to the pool and the hot tub a couple of times.

Tomorrow is Valentinte's day and the weather is supposed to be much better than today. Got to get to bed tomorrow is another big day!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Last minute preparations

This is me weighing the bag, because I was sure it was over 50 lbs.  Turns out only 41, hopefully I wasn't leaning to far to the side.  By the way I would not be wearing two different socks.  No way, couldn't be, might be, probably.  Shoot I hate that.

Here are all of our bags.  I think we are packed except for the toiletries. That I will pack after my shower tomorrow.  

Finished sewing up G's sweatshirt, cleaned up the house and in the morning I am going to color my hair.  Yes I know that is a very important thing to do before you go on vacation.  I think I am having a wild hair.  Anyway tomorrow I will be a red head.

At least I didn't have to make a trip to the ER this morning, like friends of mine:)  See you at Disney.  

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Always something

Hmmmm.  What else can happen before we go.  B has pneumonia, but the doc says he can still go.  We ran out of toilet paper and we can't find our gigantic duffle bag. 

Please some one tell me how you run out of toilet paper.  Seriously.  I buy the giant 24 pack of double rolls every time they are on sale.  I also seem to be low on tissues.  I do have 15 rolls of paper towels.  

I am going to bed, the whole thing is stressing me out.  EB is on the hunt for the gigantic duffle bag that I am almost positive we threw out because it smelled terribly mildewy.   

Plus I don't think I feel very well. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A different era

I called my parents tonight to see if they had gotten my email with the condo information for the trip.  I have I told you about the trip we are taking, haven't I 

Anyway my dad answered, mom was not home,  and I asked him if they got my email.  He said he didn't know, but he would go check.  I said, "you don't have to do that, just give me your email address so I can make sure it is right."  He gives me their email address and I say, "dad, that is your old address".  

He says, "No".  

I say, "Yes it is. Why don't you look it up on the computer or just check if you got my email".

He goes in and checks the email and says, "How do I find my email address?".  

I said, "Just open and email and if it doesn't show in the to line, just double click on your name". 

He says, "There is an email here from you".

I say, "Is it from yesterday?"

He says, "Yes". 

I then tell him what his email address is.  

I am actually very proud of my parents.  They have a satellite dish, a cell phone and dsl.  All purchased in the last year or so.  They used to borrow a friends track phone when they went on long trips, just in case. 

Monday, February 4, 2008

4 days and counting!

I know you are probably tired of my count down to Disney, but it is all that is on my mind. Wait until we get back and I post 300 pictures.

The box man came today and brought our new shoes, a bathing suit for G and the cutest pair of capris.

He did not bring anything for me.  Oh poo. 

I also ran 6 miles in the rain and cold today.  I just know that next week it is going to be hard to squeeze in those runs before the race so I am trying to put in a little extra effort this week.  

It is supposed to be 73 when we get there on Saturday.

Mickey here we come.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Disney prep

5 days to go if you don't count today. After all half of the day is over and tonight is the Super Bowl.  No matter how pointless it is since my Packer's are not there.  Oh well, go Giants.

Anyway the whole point of this post is, that we are starting to get ready.   For instance, I am using my Jergens Daily Glow, so I don't frighten little children with my white legs.  If you have pasty white legs like me, you should really try it.  I love the stuff.  

I also ran to Kohl's to pick up some decent walking shoes, since I need to run 13 miles on the 17th.  When I got there I thought I would take a quick peruse through the clearance section.

Well look what I found.

I got all that for $15.  That is what I paid for swimming trunks for the boys.  The pink/peach shirt was $1.40  For that I could wear it once and still not feel bad. 

Whoo hoo.  I love a good deal.

Total cuteness

Who made the rule that you have to start on the count of three.  G and EB were playing clapping games and G kept counting and starting on 4.  EB and I were cracking up.  I don't know why, but we found it hysterical.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Like mother like daughter

Can I consider it educational, if she is on creating her first piano concerto?

Speaking of musical instruments.  I really want to get this for B.  I have no idea why.  He says he wants to play the drums, but seriously.  

Maybe it is because I have a secret desire to play the drums.  

I really have no musical talent whatsoever.  I played the clarinet and the saxaphone back in jr high. Unfortunately, I wasn't very good at either.  I also sang in the choir and participated in every musical we put on.  Apparently back then I could sing.  Really I could.  Now I can't carry a tune.  Even the kids hate my singing. (Except when I sing them Hush little baby at bedtime.) Sometimes I turn the music up in the car really loud, just so I don't have to hear myself sing.  

Now that is sad.