Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Is it that time already?

Yes it is back to school time.

I love the line in "You've Got Mail" where Tom Hanks says to Meg Ryan, "If I knew your address I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils."

I love back to school shopping, although I thoroughly not ready for summer to be over.

Today B got his house assignment for his first year of middle school.  Yikes, I am definitely not ready for this.  In with his house assignment came the usual registration paperwork etc.  Then there was my favorite piece of information.

The Student Dress Could

  • Pants should fit at the waistline so as not to reveal under garments
  • Pant legs should not drag on the floor.
  • tops should be long enough to easily cover the mid-riff.
  • Spaghetti strap tops and many tank tops do not cover the chest and back adequately for school-wear.
  • Bra straps should not be visible.
  • Shorts and skirts should be long enough that when you drop your hands to the thigh, they should not touch skin.
  • No hats, caps, or bandannas.
Can I get an AMEN and a HALLELUJAH.  Finally someone who speaks my language!!!

The did say at orientation they will call parents and make them come get the kids from school.

I love it.  I hate being a prude, but I do not want to see your cleavage.  

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Great or just a little too weird.

Grandma and Grandpa took the kids camping from Thursday to today so EB and I went on an actual date.

We went to dinner and a movie.

We saw Inception. I haven't decided if I liked it or not.  It was entirely too violent for my taste, but if the violence is all in a dream is it really violence.  It required thinking and there was no way I could have gone to the bathroom in the middle of it even though I drank 3 glasses of water and 2 diet cokes at dinner and then had another diet coke at the movies and my eyes were yellow.  It wasn't my kind of movie, but there wasn't a single chick flick out there, so we went out on a limb.

As is always the case when the kids camp with Grandma and Grandpa there was a really bad storm that had the camper rockin, the awning ripped completely off and all the tenter soaked through to their underwear.

EB and I joined them on Saturday night.  We slept in a tent.  First time either of us had done that since high school.  The full size blow up mattress we slept on left a lot to be desired!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Could we have a little modesty please.

Saturday G and I were walking through a park and an elderly lady told her that she had such beautiful hair.  This is not the first time she has heard this.  In fact it happens almost anytime we go out anywhere.  She blushed, as always, and said a polite thank you.  I like to think she has the perfect blend of her Dad's hair color and mine.  Thankfully she got her Daddy's looks and smile.

Later, when we got in the car, she said to me, "Mom, do you think we should get a journal and I should write down every time someone tells me I have beautiful hair.  You know, people say that to me all the time."

Lord help me.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

They are doing what?

EB calls me at 2:30 today and says, "You're dad and brother are coming up to bring the pool table."

I said, "When?"

He says, "Now, they are leaving in a little bit."

Now, my parents said several months ago that they wanted us to take their pool table. We have even tried to set up a couple of times to do it, but it never worked out.

So apparently somebody had a wild hair and decided it needed to be moved today.

My brother threw out his back before they even got it up the stairs at my parents house, but they somehow managed to get it up the stairs and to the truck.  They drove the 2 1/2 hours up here only to figure out that it wouldn't fit around the end of the stairwell.

So we did this.

What's a little drywall repair.

Then we did this.

Okay I didn't.  I just stayed out of the way and prayed they didn't scratch my slate floor.

Then this happened.

But hey, what's a little more drywall repair.

Then this happened.

And all was good.

Did you know?

That a cast makes a really great brace for your pool stick.

And sticking your tongue out really improves your game.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I hate getting that call....

You know, you see the number pop up and your heart drops a little. It is camp.  Usually it is no big deal someone doesn't feel well or forgot something, but I still worry since they go swimming or are in the river boating almost every day.

Well this time it was this.

They were playing kickball at camp.  Z apparently kicked the ball really hard and B tried to catch it.
A clean break of his thumb, just above the growth plate.

Thankfully it was only his thumb and it was his left hand.  

He kept poking it with his other hand last night and I said stop before you knock it out of alignment.  He said, "It doesn't hurt, I can't feel anything."  Apparently he got really good numbing medication before they set it.

I could tell you all about what bad parents we are and left him at camp for 2 hours after it happened because he couldn't get in to the dr. until later, but why dwell on those things.

Our weather radio just went off again.   That is about the 10th time in two weeks and probably the third time today.  There was a tornado about 5 miles south of here earlier.

Even the overflow valve doesn't help when we are getting this much rain.

Hopefully tomorrow will be less eventful.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Today I had one of those blonde moments.  I can say that because I am was keep pretending I am a blonde with the help of my stylist.

Our new "used" car has one of those "no key" key fobby thingies and inside of that fobby thingy is a valet key.   It also has doors that are supposed to close with the push of the button, only sometimes they close and then when you are not paying attention, you come out of Best Buy and your doors are wide open.  Last night we took the van to the dealership as the car fixit man said it is just a computer update you need, so bring it in and we will fix it.  EB and the kids and I drove the 40 minutes to the dealership and left the valet key in the overnight box.

Fixit man called today and said, "Uh the valet key only opens the door it doesn't start the car." So EB drives 2 hours round trip, in his truck that gets 15 miles to the gallon on a good day, to take him the key fobby thingy.  What a waste of time and money.  I mean it makes perfect sense, there isn't a place to put a key so you need the fobby thingy.  Then I got to thinking and I am wondering what a valet would do with a valet key that only opened your doors.  Isn't the whole point of valet is that they drive your car to you.

That wasn't the only blonde moment I had today, but I am only sharing one.

As for the weekend......

I hung 3 loads of laundry out to dry plus our sheets.   I wanted to take a picture with all the clothes on it, but just about the time I get ready to do that, the thunder rolls and the rain comes in and it was a mad dash to get the clothes down.

We did a little of this.  This is my kind of golf course.  The homes on this course are on wheels and could be moved if needed.  I could probably afford to replace any windows the children or I break.

I don't think this one is going to recover.

I can't wait to try these.  The tomatoes were quite delicious.

Don't buy those bags of seeds that are supposed to attract butterflies, because really, who knows what is a weed and what might one day have a flower on it.  

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Seriously child, you are going to bed

Me, "Alright kids it is time to go to bed."

B, "Mom, dad said I could watch the "Decision"."  ( At this point I am not really sure what the "Decision" is, but it doesn't matter anyway as it is bed time.

Me, "It is 8:00 it is time to go to bed."

B (whining with his head hanging low), "But I want to know where Lebron decides to go."

And we wonder why sports stars have egos bigger than their salaries.  Even our children are brainwashed into thinking there is nothing more important than what this one person is going to do.  As much as I once loved Brett Favre, the hype over what he was going to do last year was obnoxious and ridiculous.

Don't get me on my soapbox about what athletes get paid to do.  My blood pressure can't take it.

On happier notes:

I swear there are 50 teeny tiny cucumbers on each of my cucumber plants.

There are about 20 golf ball sized tomatoes and 5 teeny tiny peppers in my garden.

I ran 3.5 miles, in the rain, last night.

It is a 4 day work week and a 3 paycheck month.

We have no place to go this weekend.  Ahhhhhhhh.

Monday, July 5, 2010


To do just about anything you please, whenever you please and with whom you please.

We chose to spend time sitting by the river, in 1000% humidity, for many hours.

It was very relaxing, in spite of the humidity.

The kids participated in a fishing contest.  G caught two fish and a turtle.  Just as I was about to take a picture of the 1 1/2 foot long snapping turtle, it dove back in the water.

I barely moved from under this umbrella, for the 6 hours we spent at the river.

The only thing that would have made it better, was if I had brought a good book.  

The library opened back up today in a new location with 20,000 more square feet than they had before. 

I am off to make my pick list.

The best part about this 4th of July...... 

I did not fall down and break anything.  Woo hoo.