Thursday, November 20, 2008

Well that stinks

So I had a title for this post and when I started to type it in, the rest popped in automatically. I hate it when that happens.  I can't come up with something more creative than decisions, decisions, decisions. Maybe because I feel like I am constantly having to make decisions and lets face it I don't want to make any more decisions.  

I don't want to decide whether to buy or build.

I don't want to decide 3 bedrooms or 4.

I don't want to decide ranch or 2 story.

I don't want to decide whether to get rid of some of my staff altogether or just move them to other areas.

I don't want to decide if we should work on this or that first.

I don't want to decide whether to buy G a new coat or just make her wear the pink one that is filthy dirty and won't come clean. 

Geez I don't want to even decide what to eat for dinner.

Okay, I don't ever want to decide that.

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