As a general rule, I don't worry about getting sick or my kids getting sick. I don't get a flu shot and I don't make my kids either. I believe that it is important to let our bodies fight these incidental things. I did get them their childhood vaccines. I even got them the chicken pox vaccine even though it is completely ridiculous and now they will need a booster every ten years. BTW, I only got them that one, because my daycare provider would not take them anymore if they didn't have it and I was too exhausted to try to find a new daycare.
That being said, I am a tad bit concerned about the swine flu. Our Medical Director sent out an email on how to protect yourself and your family. I can't get my kids to wash their hands after they use the bathroom, how can I get them to wash their hands regularly through the day.
I don't know anyone who went to Mexico on spring break, but I don't know all my kids classmates. I am going on a field trip with 90 2nd graders tomorrow and I may take my anti-bacterial wash.
Do you feel a chill? Oink Oink
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Semi-annual event
Every spring and every fall I make the kids pull out every piece of clothing they own and try it on.
It does not make them happy.
The boys have 4 times as many clothes as G does. I seem to find a ton of t-shirts on clearance for the boys and none for G.
They do not like to try on clothes, so it takes forever. I even try to bribe them, usually with new clothes, but this year the boys aren't getting a piece of clothing. They each have about 17 t-shirts and that was after I filled 3 bags for goodwill and 1 for the garbage.
G, on the other hand, was left with 3 t-shirts and 1 pair of shorts. We are going to have fun at Target and Kohl's.
And if we had ended up with no clothes for the boys. Z would have been just as happy wearing a cardboard box and a paper bag.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Road kill
And just after breakfast.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I am very sensitive about all things animal. I used to cry over road kill. All the time. I didn't even have to be the one to hit it.
One time I hit a cat. It had been running along the side of the road and suddenly jumped out in front of me. I barely made it to work. I had to sit on the side of the road for a good 15 minutes before I could drive, and then sobbed all the way to work.
After 12 years of living 30 miles from work, in the middle of nowhere, I got used to all the animals on the side of the road. Dogs and cats still bothered me, but I could pass up a deer without a tear even coming close.
Yesterday on my way to work, I saw this black thing on the road. I was certain it was a shredded tire off of a semi. When I got closer I realized it was a black bear. His, or her, little brown face, broke me up. I have seen a couple of bears in the wild and had heard there were some around here, but not 5 miles from my house, on the interstate.
Thankfully they cleaned it off the road before I had to drive home.
He didn't look very big, but then, I don't think black bears get very big.
I called my mom tell her and she said, "Wow, isn't that awesome." Not really what I was thinking, but whatever. I hope she meant "awesome" in a sad unique way.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I am very sensitive about all things animal. I used to cry over road kill. All the time. I didn't even have to be the one to hit it.
One time I hit a cat. It had been running along the side of the road and suddenly jumped out in front of me. I barely made it to work. I had to sit on the side of the road for a good 15 minutes before I could drive, and then sobbed all the way to work.
After 12 years of living 30 miles from work, in the middle of nowhere, I got used to all the animals on the side of the road. Dogs and cats still bothered me, but I could pass up a deer without a tear even coming close.
Yesterday on my way to work, I saw this black thing on the road. I was certain it was a shredded tire off of a semi. When I got closer I realized it was a black bear. His, or her, little brown face, broke me up. I have seen a couple of bears in the wild and had heard there were some around here, but not 5 miles from my house, on the interstate.
Thankfully they cleaned it off the road before I had to drive home.
He didn't look very big, but then, I don't think black bears get very big.
I called my mom tell her and she said, "Wow, isn't that awesome." Not really what I was thinking, but whatever. I hope she meant "awesome" in a sad unique way.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Great plans
This past Thursday, I looked at the weather forecast and said we had to do some outdoor activity on Saturday. I emailed a friend, but our schedules couldn't connect. So I did a little research and found what seemed like a great bike trail just about an hour from our house.
We have swimming lessons on Saturday morning at 10:45, but I thought if we divided, we could conquer.
In my mind I had this schedule planned out.
7:00 am ~ Me, out for a long walk (7.4 miles to be exact)
8:30 ~ EB up, feed kids, start get the bike rack on the truck and get the bikes loaded up.
9:30 ~ Me, shower, pack the kids stuff up for swimming, have breakfast, pack all stuff for the bike ride.
10:20 ~ EB and the kids off to swimming lessons.
11:30 ~ Me, fix lunch.
11:45 ~ EB and the kids get home from swimming.
11:45 ~ All eat lunch.
12:15 ~ All on the road with the bikes.
1:30 ~ Hit the trail for a couple hour bike ride.
5:00 ~ Hit Papa Murphy's and pick up Pizza on the way home.
I should have shared this schedule with EB, because this is what happened.
Friday night EB says, "I want to take your van in to get the oil changed."
I sigh, but say "Okay." It is overdue by about 2,000 miles.
I do some quick rescheduling in my mind and figure we could still be on the road by 1:30 and on the trail by 2:30.
Here is how it went down
7:50 ~ Me, out for a long walk (7.4 miles to be exact)
8:20 ~ EB up, feed kids, off to the car shop. ( They drove past me, that is how I know when they left)
9:30 ~ Me, shower, pack the kids stuff up for swimming, have breakfast, pack all stuff for the bike ride.
10:20 ~ EB and the kids off to swimming lessons.
11:30 ~ Me, fix lunch.
11:45 ~ EB and the kids get home from swimming.
11:45 ~ EB puts the bike rack on the truck
12:15 ~ All eat lunch
12:30 ~ EB is going to quick air up all the bikes tires.
1:00 ~ Bang! Z's tire blows up on his bicycle.
1:05 ~ G and I run to Wal-Mart to get a new inner tube.
1:25 ~ Back from the store.
1:45 ~ Tire back on the bike.
2:00 ~ Finish loading the bikes on the truck.
2:05 ~ On the road.
3:10 ~ Arrive at destination, buy passes for the trail.
3:15 ~ Get on our bikes and start out lovely ride. Better late than never, still excited.
3:19 ~ Z says, "Mom, something is wrong with my tire." Bang! Moooooom Z's tire explodes and he falls off his bike.
3:25 ~ Walk the bikes back to the truck. Pack up and leave for home.
3:45 ~ Stop at the DQ. (I had to bribe the kids with DQ to get them to go for a bike ride with me in the first place.)
5:00 ~ Arrive home. EB drops me off and takes the kids to the park.
Sunday morning I went to work.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
If you can't say anything nice...........
You know the rest.
That is partly why I haven't posted anything for days at a time.
I am crabby.
If you asked my staff, they might not say it so nicely.
Work is crazy busy and some people just don't get it.
House stuff is just too much drama.
To top it off, I started this "food plan". That is what they call it, not me. I am not necessarily trying to lose weight, I am trying to stop gaining weight. Yes, I know I am the one who said, " the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat." Yep I know it, didn't need a study to figure it out.
I also know that it is only day two and it will get better. Until then I am going to chew on my arm.
I'll be back to my old self soon enough. Although that may not be good either.
Monday, April 6, 2009
I am not sure what to think
Saturday night, G had a friend sleep over. They spent a lot of time in her room, playing her keyboard and writing songs.
This is the song written by her friend. (At least that is what she told me.) There were several more verses.
I hope someone will tell me this is a pop song, she heard and not something she thought up.

This is the song written by G. Thank you God for Christian radio.
Saturday, G asked me, "Is the Easter Bunny was real or just a person dressed up?"
I said, "Just a person dressed up."
She said, "But Santa is real, right?"
I said, "Yes."
I am not ready to burst that bubble yet.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
There is nothing else to say. 14 days with no more than 4 hours of sleep is killing.
Why the not sleeping?
I have no idea. Could be the stress.
Not that I have anything to be stressed about.
Couldn't be the fact that we have more work than we can possibly conquer at this time.
I have no idea what we are going to do about this whole house thing.
Our lovely neighbors. There is only so much dog poop that I can tolerate from someone else's dog and they have crossed the line.
On a much happier note. I had a health assessment today. My cholesterol is great, lots of good stuff. My BMI, average. I thought the intake person was going to die when I asked her how much weight I could gain before I was considered overweight. I just said it was good to know my limits, and then I ate several mini chocolates. My blood pressure was not great, no matter how many times she took it. Could be something with the stress. They pinched my fat, which they had no trouble finding. I'd like to say that was just skin, but that size two chicky didn't agree.
Ten more pounds to go. I know I should be asking how to get to excellent BMI, but that would require work and I don't have the energy for that.
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