Saturday, February 19, 2011

Awesome week

It has been a great week.  My final check out went well.  Okay, Stephanie said I kicked butt.  I am not one to brag about myself but just for a second I will.  I lost 15 pounds and 9 inches, 5 of which was off my tummy.  I also did 34 push ups without stopping.  My blood pressure was way down and my V02 was way up!!!

Then there was some bad news.  The value of the house in MI, dropped another $11K.  Yep now down to $30K less than when we bought it in '95.  Boy that real estate was a good investment. I am not sure how that really fit in to my awesome week, but it is all part of life.

Then there was some really good news at work.  And then there was some more good news at work!!

I finished 8 scrapbook pages, thanks to all the teachers who called in sick.  I am trying to drum up sympathy for these teachers, but I am having a really hard time.  Welcome to the real world where when the economy tanks, things get tough and tight.  I watched what the unions did to the state of Michigan.  I know it wasn't entirely the unions, but they certainly had a hand in it.  (Please don't yell at me Green Girl)  I do think Gov Walker could have phased some of the cuts in over two years, but something has to be done.  Okay, I will get off my soap box.

Today is the last day of basketball.  I am so happy sad.

This afternoon we get our taxes done.  Let's hope the week ends as positively as it began.  

After we are done with our taxes, we are going to work on the basement ceiling. Let's hope that doesn't end in divorce:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, I agree with you probably more than you think! It would have been better, wiser, more prudent to make gradual cuts than to muscle through these plans--for a mere 7% savings. Cuts must be made, but wouldn't it have been better to ask for a concession before playing hardball? I think so.
And now school (and protests) will be cancelled due to snow. Heh.
Bummer about the house prices. But YAY about the pounds!