Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pre-wash cycle

I don't know how long the door is going to last on the dishwasher. 

The dishes get pre-washed and then we sanitize for good measure.

Yesterday we went to Kohl's, in search of some casual boots, for me.  I tried on a pair that had a few more buckles than I really cared for, but they were kind of cute, brown and in my size.  I tried them on and Z says, "Mom, you are too old for those boots.  They are for somebody younger."  He continued on about how I should really get something different, but did like what I eventually bought.

Later, at church, Z reaches down to pick up his pen lets a little toot (okay maybe not a little) out.  He looks at me and whispers, "Oops I didn't see that coming."  Of course, it was during closing prayer and I thought I was going to die laughing.

I had a great run, yesterday, too.  I ran for 1 hour and 40 minutes and still felt good.  Let's hope that happens next weekend and race day!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's a good day

B had an eye appointment today and they said..........

He doesn't need to wear his glasses anymore.

I never thought that would happen, ever.

He can see 20/25 without his glasses and it has been that way for 2 years, so they think his vision is pretty stable.  We will go back every 3 months for a year to see how he is doing.  If all remains stable he won't need to go back at all!!!!!!

Patching works.

I am doing a little happy dance right now!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Where does the time go.

Two weeks into school and I am already exhausted.

Tonight was the first Parent Group meeting.  I remembered at 8:00.  It started at 6:30.

The new weekly schedule is about to send me over the edge.

Monday - Akido
Tuesday - Football
Wednesday - feeding the children something other than cereal or PBJ
Thursday - Akido
Friday - Puppy training
Saturday - Akido
Sunday - Swimming lessons

Plus, some where in there, I need to fit in 4 days of running.  Just under 3 weeks until race day and I am feeling less than prepared. I did run for an hour and 30 minutes, without keeling over on Saturday, but I certainly wasn't going to set any speed records.

We took Toffee to be neutered today and Ellie doesn't know what to do without her brother.  We went for a walk tonight and she sniffed the ground every inch of the way.  She won't settle down.  Z wanted to know if Toffee's pee pee parts were going to be the same, so he must have some general idea of what is going on.

This weekend we went to my sister's to celebrate her 10th wedding anniversary.  We had a wonderful time and played several hand crushing games of spoons.

A friend once told me, "You should really celebrate anniversaries and skip the birthdays.  Birthday's come automatically every year, but in order to have an anniversary it requires work and commitment and should be celebrated"  

I think we are going to do that next year.  We have a tendency to treat it like every other day and it is not.

Congratulations Sister!  Thanks for the fun.