Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ten things I am most looking forward to.

  1. Burners that turn on when you turn them on.
  2. A dishwasher that doesn't spew 2 gallons of water on the floor.
  3. A refrigerator that doesn't need a bowl of water emptied every couple of days.
  4. An actual laundry room, with dark gray slate tile, that should hide all dirt.
  5. New glasses that aren't ruined by the dishwasher that spews water all over.
  6. Neighbors who don't scare me.
  7. Windows, windows, windows.
  8. A garage I can park my car in.
  9. Kids riding home on the bus.
  10. A place for everything and everything in it's place. A girl can dream can't she.

Only a few more weeks to go. Of course if you walked through my house you wouldn't know that we were moving very soon. We plan on throwing things in the truck as we go. Besides everything in the garage is already packed.

1 comment:

Patti said...

Will you be in before school starts? I can relate to the dishwasher. I think we get more than 2 gallons.

How come I can't see any pictures of the house. Just the one where it is wrapped in paper?