When G and I got home from gymnastics tonight the boys were already in the shower. It was 6:30 pm.
I asked them if they had done their reading and finished their homework?
"Yeeesss mom, tonight is the season premier of Dancing with the stars."
"Ocho Cinco is on this season."
I said, "Who is Ocho Cinco?"
B says, "Mom, he is the wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals."
I said, "Oh, I don't know who that is."
"Mom, you watch football" he says.
I said, "I really only watch the Packers."
"Well his real name is Chad Ocho Cinco. He used to be Chad Johnson." he explains
"Ah a name I recognize."
Z & B are down the hall discussing something about changing names when I hear B say, "You have to pay money to change your name."
Z says, "Oh."
I hope they don't want to change their names, they are not that far out.
So now they are all in our bedroom watching Dancing with the Stars.
They are not in the living room as G still has to finish homework, read and do math facts.
They also recognized, Evan Lysacek and Neicey Nash from Clean House. They do love to watch clean house. They had no clue who the others were, for some of that I am thankful.
I wonder what it would cost me to change my name to "Mother is always right".
BTW, he changed his name because his jersey is number 85.