Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I don't even know if that is a real word or not, but I am using it anyway.


The yearbook is done.

I had help this year.

EB asked me if I was going to do it again next year.

Of course I am. Some day I will learn the word "NO".

Quite possibly alone.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wonderful weekend

We had a sleepover this weekend. It really should be called a "stay up way later than we need to" over. The kids went to bed at 7:00 tonight and it took them about 3 minutes to go to sleep.

Six kids and no crying. It was loud and wonderful just the same. Five boys playing Wii and one very curios girl, who just wanted to peek over the couch and listen to the grownups talk.

We can't wait to do it again and break in the fire pit next time.

We had cake, disguised as a chocolate muffin, for breakfast.

Hope you had a great birthday AC!

We also watched the "Blind Side" and now I love Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw even more than I did before.

Monday, March 22, 2010


When G and I got home from gymnastics tonight the boys were already in the shower. It was 6:30 pm.

I asked them if they had done their reading and finished their homework?

"Yeeesss mom, tonight is the season premier of Dancing with the stars."

"Ocho Cinco is on this season."

I said, "Who is Ocho Cinco?"

B says, "Mom, he is the wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals."

I said, "Oh, I don't know who that is."

"Mom, you watch football" he says.

I said, "I really only watch the Packers."

"Well his real name is Chad Ocho Cinco. He used to be Chad Johnson." he explains

"Ah a name I recognize."

Z & B are down the hall discussing something about changing names when I hear B say, "You have to pay money to change your name."

Z says, "Oh."

I hope they don't want to change their names, they are not that far out.

So now they are all in our bedroom watching Dancing with the Stars.

They are not in the living room as G still has to finish homework, read and do math facts.


They also recognized, Evan Lysacek and Neicey Nash from Clean House. They do love to watch clean house. They had no clue who the others were, for some of that I am thankful.

I wonder what it would cost me to change my name to "Mother is always right".

BTW, he changed his name because his jersey is number 85.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hi my name is....

She was slightly disappointed that her name was Tooth Fairy.
She left a pen right next to her pillow, so that the tooth fairy could write back.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

G is going to sleep well tonight

Another beautiful night for a walk. A little chillier than yesterday, but still 45 degrees.

The kids accompanied me on a walk. They were on bikes and scooters.

G made it the whole four miles.

She should sleep well tonight.

PS. EB is putting the 3rd tire in 1 year of Z's bike.

Anyone want to take bets on when it is going to blow up?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Elvis was good to me.

I keep wondering what I do with all my time, since I am not exercising regularly and I am certainly not updating my blog.

What the heck am I doing.

I can't be doing much, or I would have something to write about.

Saturday we took a road trip to IKEA to purchase a mirror I really wanted.
That didn't happen. Turns out it was entirely to big to fit in the van. So we bought two cheap office chairs for the kids to zoom about the craft room. Don't ask why we didn't get three. Then we had some swedish meatballs and came home.

Yesterday I spent nearly the entire day sitting on my front porch. It was 66 degrees and we were treated to the sight of about 13 bald eagles soaring over our house. Welcome back birdies.

A couple weeks ago we took a road trip to my parent's and went bowling.

If you look closely the bowling ball in my mom's hand it sports a young Elvis. I borrowed him and managed to bowl a 174 and a 169. Not bad for only bowling once a year.

That is all I got.