Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Promises, promises, promises

I promise, I am coming back.  That is if anyone cares.  Or maybe, whether anyone cares or not.

The year book is nearly done.  

In a moment of weakness at the parent group meeting last night, I said I would do it again next year.

The house saga is on again.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mother of the Year, again!

They are going to have to build a statue in my honor.
I mean seriously folks, I am scoring points with my kids, and their teachers, by the minute.
Today was the wax museum. Very important day, the wax museum was. Jimmie Johnson was ready to go.
Lots of preparation and angst.
Kid already of the verge of a meltdown. Wants to move back home or be homeschooled.
What do I do?
Really, what do I do?
Well let's just say the wax museum was until 5 and I got there at 5:05 and everything was cleaned up. The look on that face, brought me to tears.
They'll be writing books about me after I am gone. Therapy, lots of therapy.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

EB you rock!

I could go on and on and on about what a wonderful Errand Boy you are, but this should say it all.

You are still married to me and that probably takes far more effort than anyone will ever know.

Thanks for 15 pretty darn wonderful years.

Thanks also, to my fabulous kids who tried the darndest to be as good as possible today.

Heard from the backseat on the way home from school.

I hear a little bickering beginning when G says very quietly, "Stop arguing. Remember we said we were going to be good today."   And they were.  

That was the best present ever.  That and how many times, they told us how wonderful we were and how excited they were about this being our anniversary.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


My brother is never a big fan of whatever I do with my hair, and feels the need to tell me what he thinks.

His comment is always, "Man your hair is on fire".

Well this is more like an inferno.

This is what it looks like every morning.  

One night I need to video tape her while she sleeps.  She is everywhere in that bed.
I used to worry about her suffocating, because she is always twisted up in her blankets.  When she was in her bunk bed, I would go check on her and her legs would be sticking out of the rails.

Friday, March 6, 2009


I really don't like to complain about work. 

Especially in this economy.  

I am, after all, employed and well paid for my work.  

But I just need to say

UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!!  I would like to raise my flag of surrender.

Okay I feel better.  And just to make sure I feel much better, I am going to go have a Killian's and play Bejeweled.  I don't even like video games, but this one is addicting.

I am going to have to get a new book. I just finished two really great books that made me think.
The Shack by William P. Young and Jodi Picoult's Change of Heart.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It is all gone.

I polished off the rest of the licorice today.
My jaw is a little sore.
One should not eat that much licorice in that short of time.
Does not sit well with the tummy.
On a much happier note.
I just found out two of my friends from high school live in the same city I work in. It is very exciting, I haven't talked to them in 25 years. We are getting together for dinner in a couple of weeks and I can't wait.
There were 7 of us that hung out together, but we all went to separate colleges and lost touch after a couple of years. I stink at keeping in touch. I am sure all my newly acquired friends on facebook will ditch me when I can't keep up the pace.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


That is the number of times I thought about Diet Coke today.  

Yes, I am Diet Coke obsessed.  

Saturday I had my last Diet Coke. 

I made it worth my while.  EB stopped at the gas station and got me a 44 oz fountain Diet Coke. 

I really want one. I do, I do, I do.

To make me feel better about not having a diet coke, I ate nearly a pound of Red Vines.  I am sure calorie wise that was about even.   Let's see 10 servings at 140 calories per serving. Yep same as a Diet Coke.   Goes back to that whole calories in/calories out thing.  

Plus when I got home I ate 3 Thin Mint cookies and couple of servings of potato chips.  Really good potato chips.  They are all natural and only 1 gram of saturated fat.  See, I can justify anything. 

BTW, the only reason I gave up Diet Coke was because I was tired of being a hypocrite.  I tell the kids they can't have pop because it is so bad for them, yet I drink it all the time.  So I quit.

I miss the burn!!!!!!